My research explores the dynamics of gendered political development in fragile and post-conflict states. Focusing on comparative democratization processes and employing quantitative methods as well as field research, my work examines political exclusion and human rights in developing states. I am especially interested in political opposition and sophisticated authoritarian behaviors.
University of Ottawa
Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS)
Research Fellow
United States Institute for Peace
Principal Investigator
“Electoral Management Bodies and the Security Sector: Assessing Collaboration Mechanisms for the Prevention of Electoral Violence in the ECOWAS Region”
Peer-Reviewed Publications
“Violence, Politics and Gender”. Contentious Politics and Political Violence. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Feb. 2018.
“Coding Competitive Authoritarianism.” Journal of Comparative Governance and Politics, October 28, 2015, 1–28. doi:10.1007/s12286-015-0259-4.
“Gender Quotas in Single-Member District Electoral Systems.” Co-authored with Skye Christensen. Politics, Groups, and Identities. (October 27, 2015): 1–22. doi:10.1080/21565503.2015.1080615.
“Gender Specific Election Violence: The Role of Information and Communication Technologies.” Stability: International Journal of Security and Development. 2013. X(X), pp 1-11. DOI.
Book Chapters
“Campaigning and Governing in the Digital Era: Women’s Political Participation, Technology and Violence”. In Segrave, Marie and Laura Vitis. Gender, Technology and Violence. Routledge, 2017.
“Gender, Peace, and Armed Conflict”. with Elin Bjarnegård, Erik Melander, Karen Brounéus, Erika Forsberg, Karin Johansson, Angela Muvumba Sellström, Louise Olsson. SIPRI Yearbook. Oxford University Press. 2015.
“Electoral Management in Haiti: a Crisis of Credibility”. In Ellis, Andrew, et al. Electoral Management Design: The New International IDEA Handbook. Stockholm: International IDEA, 2014.
Select Policy Papers
“Violence Against Women in Elections in Zimbabwe: A Field and Online Assessment“. IFES. 2018.
“Preventing violence against women in politics: A programming guide”. With Julie Ballington and Gabriella Borovsky. UN Women & UNDP. 2017.
“Canada’s Global Role in Promoting Inclusive Governance: Recommendations and Report on Workshop Findings”. Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS). University of Ottawa. Working Paper No. 10. November 2016.
“Inclusive Electoral Processes: A Guide for Electoral Management Bodies on Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Participation”. With Julie Ballington, Sonia Palmieri and Kate Sullivan. UNDP / UN Women. 2015.
“Breaking the Mold: Understanding Gender and Electoral Violence”. IFES White Paper. Washington DC. December 2011.